ks3 what is the difference between granite and basalt

Posted at: September 20, 2012 [ 4.8 - 6368 Ratings]

Difference Between Basalt and Granite | Difference Between What is the difference between Basalt and Granite? • Basalt is mostly…

  • Difference Between Basalt and Granite | Difference Between

    What is the difference between Basalt and Granite? • Basalt is mostly found on ocean floors, while granite is the crust of earth in all continents.

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  • What is the difference between basalt and granite – The Q&A wiki

    Granite is lighter in color than basalt. The color of the rocks is dependent on the mineral composition of the rock. Basalt is basic and contains a substantial amount …

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  • Basalt and Granite – University of Oregon

    What are the most important types of rock in the crust? Excluding the rocks between my ears, I’d have to say that basalt and granite have the honor of being the most …

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  • What is the difference between basalt, pumice, and granite? – …

    What is the difference between basalt, pumice, and granite?

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  • What is the difference between granite and basalt?

    - Another difference between basalt and granite include their joints. Basalt splits along columnar planes while … What are some uses of shale granite and basalt?

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  • Difference between Granite Marble Basalt Diorite Gabbro …

    Granite vs Marble vs Basalt vs Diorite vs Gabbro vs Rhyolite vs Quartz vs Silestone. The difference between diorite and granite is that, diorite is an extrusive rock …

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  • What is the difference between basalt and andesite?

    Askville Question: What is the difference between basalt and andesite? : Science

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  • What is difference between Basalt and Granite?

    - Another difference between basalt and granite include their joints. Basalt splits along columnar planes while … What are some uses of shale granite and basalt?

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  • Geology help!!!? – Yahoo! Answers

    Oct 02, 2007 · What is the difference between limestone and basalt? Everything. Limestone is sedimentary, and … one, calcite or quartz would make the best building stone

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  • Describe the differences between basaltic (mafic), Granite

    Sep 30, 2008 · So the main difference between a basalt, an andesite and a granite is the amount of quartz they have. Granite is rich in quartz (so it is also called an acid …

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  • What is the difference between basalt granite and obsidian rocks

    i think obsidian is a cooled liquid of a magma.Its look like a glassy matter because is crystallised very faster than basalt and granite. Granite cools very …

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  • Basalt: Igneous Rock – Pictures, Definition, Uses & More

    The difference between basalt and gabbro is that basalt is a fine-grained rock … Basalt is also cut into dimension stone. Thin slabs of basalt are cut and sometimes …

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  • Goller Grade and Gravel Products – Kitsap County’s premier source …

    1-1/2" clean black basalt is good for muddy driveways. 7/8" drain rock is good for curtain and French drains. What is the difference between Basalt and Granite?

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  • Video: Differences Between Rocks & Minerals | eHow.com

    A general difference between rocks and … little about the difference between rocks and minerals. Here I’ve got a list of five different types of rock, granite, basalt

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  • QuestionsCha4 – University of Massachusetts Amherst Department …

    (2) What is the difference between basalt and rhyolite (or between gabbro and granite)? (3) What are andesite and dacite? (4) Where do basalt magmas most …

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  • More on identifying rocks & minerals – Chris’s Mineral Collecting Page

    The difference is that there will be no visible quartz grains. Remember, K … Rhyolite is to granite what basalt is to gabbro. Rhyolite is "aphanitic", meaning the …

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  • Two Types of Igneous Rocks: The Differences Between Granite and Basalt

    Dec 13, 2010 · Igneous rocks can be felsic or mafic, coarse-grained or fine-grained, and intrusive or extrusive. The two most common types are granite and basalt.

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  • Laddered Grid 3 – UNSW School of Computer Science and …

    So, if we start off with erm granite instead, can you tell me the most important difference between granite and basalt, what’s the most important single thing?

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  • What are some of the differences and similarities between basalt

    Nov 25, 2009 · Best Answer: granite is a igneous rock. gneiss is a metamorphic rock formed from granite. basalt is also a igneous rock, but it it extrusive while granite

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  • Highs and Lows: Topography and Isostasy – The Global Change …

    Why is there such a difference in the topographic expression of the oceans versus … types: granite and gabbro (or their extrusive equivalents, rhyolite and basalt). Granite

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